
The client can exercise the right of return the purchased goods within 10 working days from the date of reception of the purchased goods, in senses and effects of the art. 64 and following D. Lgs. 206/05 c.d. 'Code of Consumption'. Within the above mentioned period a Registered Mail with the receipt of return must be sent to P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE, Via Praga, 198, 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN), Italy.

Contextually to the exercise of the right to return, the client has to send the purchased goods back to P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE at proper expenses and with proper responsibility within 10 days taking effect from the day of reception of the goods. P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will reimburse the value of the purchased and returned goods after the reception and control of integrity of the returned goods. The product must be returned entire in all its parts, including the packaging.

The right to return the purchased goods can be applied if the returned product is entirely returned; it is not possible to reimburse partially returned products (for example an accessory of a product). In case of an offer made of more products, all the offer package in all its parts must be returned. The purchased product must be returned in all its parts and put in its original delivery carton (including all eventual accessories). It is explicitly mentioned that, based on the art. 67, co.3, D.Lgs. 206/05 that the return are all at the expense of the client; and the return delivery, until the reception, is completely under the responsibility of the client; in case of damage of the goods during the return delivery, P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will immediately advise the client in way that the client is able to report the event to the courier; in this case, the product will be at disposal of the client, making null the return request.

P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE does not reply in any case for the damage or loss of the returned goods' deliveries that are not delivered with insurance. At the arrival the goods will be controlled to evaluate the possible damages. If the goods are reimbursable, P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will reimburse the client with the paid amount as soon as possible (by bank transfer or reimburse on the credit card). The right to have the reimbursement falls completely if the returned product is not entire in all its parts (including the packaging), in cases where P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE notices that there is: lack of external packaging and/or the original carton; lack of integrative elements of the product like the inner carton, label, hangtag etc.; the product is not entire or it is broken or damaged by the use. In case of missing right to the reimbursement, P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will return the goods to the client, with the delivery expenses paid by the client.