The products presented on the site are sold by the company P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE, with legal and administrative offices in Via Praga, 198, 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN), Italy, VAT number and fiscal code: IT0194780020.

To be able to make orders, it is necessary to register to the website

The registration presuppose the release from the part of the client of principal registry information such as: personal data, privacy, personal contact information - among which postal address and e-mail - and other useful information to finalise the registration, including, if authorised by the client, the sending of commercial communications.

The client is required to create the proper indentifying data: username and password. The use of the user name and password enables the entry and makes it possible to purchase through the website

The orders can be formalised only through the registration from the part of the client to the website as an user, and only throughout the completion of the online purchase procedure, where all the requested information has been released by the client. For each completed order the client will receive the order confirmation through e-mail that has been declared during the registration procedure.

P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE reserves the right to refuse an order in case of doubt on the veracity of the data on the order, incomplete data on the order, former default from the part of the client as well as eventual lack of goods in the warehouse.

In every case P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE reserves, by trusting in the availability of the client, the right to proceed to the verifying the authenticity and veracity of the order.

The prices are expressed in Euros, in Italy they are intended as including the current Value Added Tax (V.A.T.) applied to the related product category in question. For the deliveries outside Italy, within the EU the prices do not include the V.A.T as per the law (non imp. art. 8/A).

The total price resulting at the end of the purchase procedure is intended including the delivery costs and the eventual added taxes on the sales. The prices may vary due the reasons depending or not depending by the company P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE. Except as provided above, the product's prices are those indicated on the website at the moment of the order and purchase.

It is possible to pay the proper purchase on the website throughout the following payment methods: Credit card, Pay Pal or Cash on delivery (the last payment method is valid only for the payments on the Italian territory).

During the ordering phase, the client will indicate the chosen typology of payment, between the available methods.

5.1 – Credit Card
It is possible to pay with credit card (Visa and MasterCard circuits) through the IT systems that guarantee the absolute security of the transaction. The user has to give the proper data of the credit card during the order's payment.

5.2 – Payment through Pay Pal
If the chosen payment method is Pay Pal, the client has to give the requested data, without specifying the proper credit card parameters.

The warranty conditions of the products (without prejudice to the acknowledged rights to the consumer in senses and effects as in the article nr.128 and the followed administrative order of 6th September 2005 nr. 206 nominated as “Consumption Code") take effect starting from the delivery date of the goods.

The delivery costs are fixed:

  • Euro 10,00 for the deliveries inside the Italian territory, including the islands
  • Euro 24,40 for the deliveries to the European Union countries

On the Italian territory, the delivery costs will not be applied for the orders above 30,00 euro.

On the rest of the EU territories, the delivery costs will not be applied for the orders above 180,00 euro.

The client can verify the amount to be paid for the delivery before confirming the purchase order.

Deliveries are made in the Italian territory and in the European Union territory.
P.L.U.S. SRL undertakes to deliver the products ordered by the client by using the Express Courier, to the address as from the user's registration phase of the order, within 48 hours after the reception of the payment in the Italian territory and within 10 days in the European Union territory.

Eventual delays cannot be imputed or be imputable to P.L.U.S. SRL. No damage or loss caused by the Express Courier can be imputed to P.L.U.S. SRL, in relation with delay or un-delivery caused by the Courier, in reference to the contract undersigned between P.L.U.S. SRL and the Express Courier.

P.L.U.S. customer service collects all the advisories from the client about non-deliveries or delayed deliveries and in case takes legal actions against the courier companies in question, as per Italian law. The damaged goods' responsibility is to impute in every case to the courier company who managed the delivery. We do not accept to deliver in PO Box addresses. In case of missed pick up or non-delivery for a cause not depending by P.L.U.S. SRL or the delivering courier, the delivery costs and the extra expenses to send back the goods to P.L.U.S. SRL, are all payable by the client. The delivery costs are payable by the client and there is a fixed cost for the deliveries within Italian territory and a fixed cost for the deliveries for the European Union Countries.

The missed delivery at the second trial caused by a non presence of anybody in the indicated address will cause an extra debit of euro 8,00 for the redelivery.

The client can exercise the right of return the purchased goods within 10 working days from the date of reception of the purchased goods, in senses and effects of the art. 64 and following D. Lgs. 206/05 c.d. 'Code of Consumption'. Within the above mentioned period a Registered Mail with the receipt of return must be sent to P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE, Via Praga, 198, 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN), Italy.

Contextually to the exercise of the right to return, the client has to send the purchased goods back to P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE at proper expenses and with proper responsibility within 10 days taking effect from the day of reception of the goods. P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will reimburse the value of the purchased and returned goods after the reception and control of integrity of the returned goods. The product must be returned entire in all its parts, including the packaging.

The right to return the purchased goods can be applied if the returned product is entirely returned; it is not possible to reimburse partially returned products (for example an accessory of a product). In case of an offer made of more products, all the offer package in all its parts must be returned. The purchased product must be returned in all its parts and put in its original delivery carton (including all eventual accessories). It is explicitly mentioned that, based on the art. 67, co.3, D.Lgs. 206/05 that the return are all at the expense of the client; and the return delivery, until the reception, is completely under the responsibility of the client; in case of damage of the goods during the return delivery, P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will immediately advise the client in way that the client is able to report the event to the courier; in this case, the product will be at disposal of the client, making null the return request.

P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE does not reply in any case for the damage or loss of the returned goods' deliveries that are not delivered with insurance. At the arrival the goods will be controlled to evaluate the possible damages. If the goods are reimbursable, P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will reimburse the client with the paid amount as soon as possible (by bank transfer or reimburse on the credit card). The right to have the reimbursement falls completely if the returned product is not entire in all its parts (including the packaging), in cases where P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE notices that there is: lack of external packaging and/or the original carton; lack of integrative elements of the product like the inner carton, label, hangtag etc.; the product is not entire or it is broken or damaged by the use. In case of missing right to the reimbursement, P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE will return the goods to the client, with the delivery expenses paid by the client.

In case the client has not received the ordered goods, in case the client is not satisfied with the purchased goods or the offered customer service, or just to have additional information about the offered goods, the client can contact P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE by compiling the form in the Contact area of the website.

It is necessary to mention on the contact form always the order number and the product codes of single articles.


Informative as per law art.13 of D.Lgs 196/03
With sense and effect as on the art. 13 of D.Lgs of 30th June 2003 n. 196, “Code of personal data protecting”, it is specified that:

The requested personal data includes: name, surname, email, home address, telephone, etc., fiscal and administrative data such as: delivery address, bank account information etc., and those related to your economic activities such as: work, profession etc.

2.1 The personal data is collected and treated to provide to the obligatory fulfilment connected to our economical activities, juridical nature and to outstanding contractual relationships. The data can be communicated, in addition to our internal structure (administration, commercial and production departments etc.), also to external subjects such as connected or controlled companies or also other type of companies that have activities with the society (external fiscal consultants, sales force, delivery services, archiving, data processing, transport companies etc.); as well as banking institutes for payments management as well as commercial information companies to evaluate the economic solvency of subjects and all other subjects allowed by the law.

2.2 Prior your consent, that can be revoked at any moment, the data will be used to:
a) elaborate market studies and researches;
b) communicate and/or send, also with automated modalities, advertising, commercial and informative materials throughout telephonic canals like SMS, MMS, video and similar, email, paper mail, fax and attached to the invoice;
c) execute direct and indirect activities of sales;
d) make interactive commercial communication;
e) make surveys, polls and scanning about the satisfactory grade of the clients about the quality of services, also by telephone interviews;
f) identify, also throughout electronic data elaboration, the consumption habits and the inclination to consumption, to make the offered services better, to satisfy your specific needs with promotions and to propose new services and products of P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE. The data is treated in a legitimate way and according the norms of accuracy and confidentiality, in full respect of the law D.Lgs 196/03, through the use of information technology as well as manual/paper documents and the data is input in the internal database managed by P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE.

The nature of bestowal is discretionary, but necessary to establish and/or absolve all the contractual fulfilment, therefore the missing bestowal of the data may not consent the establishment of the relationship, its total or its partial execution.

The privacy data in question, will not be diffused or communicated in any case outside the law regulations and the privacy data treatment is executed by following the principles of accuracy, lawfulness and transparency to protect the secrecy and the rights of the subjects.

Relatively to personal data, you can exercise all the rights as on the articles 7 and 130 of d.lgs.vo n. 196/2003; you can oppose on whatever moment to the treatment in question, by sending a letter, fax or email to the owner of the privacy treatment.

The owner of the privacy treatment is P.L.U.S. SRL UNIPERSONALE with the registered offices in via Praga, 198, 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN), Italy, fax +39 0376-870898, email: